alternative, benefit, diet, earthing, education, energy, health

Why are organic foods better for us than GMO’s?

Good afternoon! I hope everyone is well today!

In this question everything revolves around frequency. But lets first compare the processes of Organic and GMO foods.

Organic foods are grown in soil that has been properly cared for. The plants are tended without chemicals or pesticides. GMO’s have the possibility of having chemicals and pesticides sprayed on them because these plants are not being help up to the strict guidelines of the organic standard. The organic foods are foods that have not been altered while in seed or pre-seed form. The organic seeds came from the earth naturally. The GMO seeds are manually altered so that they contain genes that help them to withstand the harsh environments that they are grown in. Our earth is changing and this is the “scientific” way to handle the

The organic way to handle this issue is Back to Eden farming. This means to grow above ground and use tree chips insulation for the moisture and insulation away from the harsh sun. This way also allows us to grow without tilling up the dirt. The tilling of dirt is important because every time we till more dirt we bring more carbon from the ground to the atmosphere producing more carbon dioxide.

Due to the fact that the organic foods come from the earth naturally, are grown in the earth the way the plants were intended to be grown and are cared for properly these foods contain a frequency very close to that of our earth. If we take in more organic foods than anything else naturally we are going to be healthy. It is all about absorbing the frequency of the earth. organic-2

The reason we are just now coming into problems with health after having almost 70 years of the chemicals and pesticides is related to our footwear. most who grew up before the 90’s were always in their bare feet. This allowed them to naturally absorb the frequency of the earth through their feet. This over abundance of the earth’s frequency blocked out the low quality frequency of food additives, keeping them healthier until they began to go away from walking on the earth.

If you would like more information on which foods to specifically watch out for check out What to know when you can’t buy organic!

Thank you for reading! Have a great Day!

Take care!God Bless!


achieve, alternative, alternative medicine, appreciate, appreciation, believe, benefit, benefits, brain, breathing, earthing, electricity, energy, environment, health, science

Earth’s most powerful natural anti-inflammatory

Good afternoon! I hope everyone is well!

Today chronic illness is running rampant among the United States and other parts around the world. The causes that doctors have associated with these symptoms can be a result of dehydration, shallow breathing, too much sitting, poor diet, lack of exercise, & many others. What if there was a deeper issue that involved all these areas? What if this deeper issue was visible but only to those looking through a microscope or a telescope?

I believe that the answer lies beneath our feet. The earth, our mother Gaia is the most powerful natural inflammatory on earth. Yes this may seem a bit absurd when you first read this but let me explain.


The earth and bodies have a frequency at all times throughout our life because many of the connections in our brain and throughout the rest of the body are electrical in nature. We have 50 trillion cells that are at least 70% water. This amounts to the fact that we are very conductive due to waters conductivity. Because we originate from the earth our frequency will operate most efficiently and effectively with earth when we are aligned with earth’s natural frequency.


By aligning with earth’s natural frequency we allow our body to heal faster, rest better, feel better, think better, & work better over all. Our bodies in this modern age are around electrical appliances and devices at all times. Every on of these electrical things has a frequency. The frequency is decided by the intention of the thing when it was made. If the thing was made purely to make money and support greed then the frequency is very low and bad for our bodies. Each time you touch an electrical appliance you receive micrograms of radiation onto your fingers. Over time, when not corrected or counteracted, the body begins to fatigue because it is no longer the frequency of the earth, it is the average frequency of the appliances you are around most often.

The best way to help this is to earth, to connect your body to the earth’s natural frequency like it is an electrical outlet for your phone and you are the phone. Recharging your energy can be done easily by breathing for 10 minutes on the natural earth. It works best if you follow the steps laid out in my article 11 Steps to Clearing Excess Emotional Stress. The only difference is that you should take blanket outside and lay on the ground.

Thank you for reading! Have a great Day!

Take care! God Bless!


accomplish, achieve, appreciate, believe, benefit, benefits, communication, education, energy

Past experiences, future experiences and the now

Good afternoon! I hope you are well!

Ron Smotherman stated in his book winning through enlightenment that “we often do not live now. Often we live then in place of now.” Have you ever noticed that when you’re telling a story to someone about a memory, about a past experience, the opportunity may arise where you can change the memory Or when you second-guess what actually happened. This is not unusual because a memory is simply us remembering the last time we told the story of that experience to ourselves or to someone else, essentially the last time we remembered that event and the way it was remembered.
An experience taking place in reality or in the mind generates the same response within the body, mind and brain. This has been shown through the use of MRI scans in multiple studies. For instance, have you ever noticed when you’re dreaming it feels like it is reality, until you wake up and realize that the dream wasn’t real?

A portion of our memories never actually exist, they are simply patches to make the story flow more smoothly so that it is easier to interpret by the mind. These portions of our memories are dreams, these dreams can occur while sleeping or while waking and could be from a completely different story line. These dreams come from times in our life when we are looking at a situation and deciding the possible outcomes, this causes an overlap of details in certain places.
There is always the possibility that pieces of the memory or the entirety may not exist in this reality at all. The universe is abundant and holds all realities, this is why we can imagine ourselves doing other things in this moment that do not exist in our present and current reality. These things that we imagine ourselves doing exist in another reality happening in this same moment simultaneously. Imagine that you are driving on a highway across the ocean, when you look out your window you see other highways as far as the eye can see. On each of these highways you are driving a different car traveling at the same velocity in an undefined direction, each of these highways is an alternate reality that is existing simultaneously within the one you reside in but leading to a different end result. At any time you can change the end result by changing what goes into your mind and making the decision to sacrifice who you are now for who you will be. Once you realize that you can be anything, do anything, and have anything the world will open up to you. The end result of the highway you’re on is based on the goals you set for yourself in the path you choose to take.

The law of attraction states “what we visualize materializes.” The future we visualize for ourselves, is what materializes, so would we not hold the power of foresight. When we dream about the future, and experience the future now of being something greater, the possibility that this beingness will manifest increases each time we go back. Each time we visualize our self being something we increase the possibility of alignment of our reality and that specific alternate reality. We can see alternate realities by letting our mind wander.This is the moment when we say “I can do that.” And this is true you could do that, no matter what that is.

To do that thing you want to do you need only work as if your goal or dream is already ensured to be a success. work so hard to gain knowledge toward this dream that you can’t lose. in terms of education, you need only follow the trail of breadcrumbs; the footsteps of those who came before you; the roadmap to success. Each time you have the same vision and say “I can do that”, those vibrations coming from the vibrations of your throat (chakra number 6) gain more and more velocity or weight in the universe. If you work, believe, affirm success and help others, when there is enough velocity or weight in the universe the imagined reality will “drop”. The next morning when you wake up after the “drop” you will be in the alternate reality which you manifested for yourself.


Thank you for reading! Have a great day!

Take care!God Bless!


breathe, breathing, earthing, energy, fitness, health, life changing, relaxation, stress relief, vibration

Earthing, the next frontier of alternative medicine

Good afternoon! I hope you are well!
Earthing is the process by which a man, woman or animal connects themselves with the earth, mother Gaia. Earthing may also be referred to as grounding, which is an electrical term for connecting and sustaining energy from the source. To do this one must touch the ground in some form and draw energy into the body through the use of the breath. This can be done in sitting, or standing positions. It is also possible to buy conductive bed accessories which allow you to connect to the earth’s natural energy while you sleep. To do this you put a metal rod in the ground and run conductive wire from the bed to the rod, thus connecting you to the one divine energy source. This energy source being the one source which everyone is given life from is an extremely powerful natural inflammation fighter, just like turmeric only more powerful because the one energy is that which turmeric is made from.

One thing many do not realize is that the shoes they wear keep them insulated from the energy of the earth. This is because rubber and plastic are insulators. This keeps all energy inside the body and all energy from the earth outside the body. This is why walking barefoot is crucial to health and life.

earth 2
You may ask, how did those who lived before modern medicine survive and stave off the sicknesses we have today? This was also related to their shoes. The material most commonly used for shoeing was leather. Leather is a natural semiconductor. A semiconductor is a solid substance that has conductivity between an insulator and other metals. This would allow a portion of, if not all of the earth’s energy to be absorbed into the bottom of the feet.

Thank you for reading!
Have a great day & take care!
God Bless!
