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Why are organic foods better for us than GMO’s?

Good afternoon! I hope everyone is well today!

In this question everything revolves around frequency. But lets first compare the processes of Organic and GMO foods.

Organic foods are grown in soil that has been properly cared for. The plants are tended without chemicals or pesticides. GMO’s have the possibility of having chemicals and pesticides sprayed on them because these plants are not being help up to the strict guidelines of the organic standard. The organic foods are foods that have not been altered while in seed or pre-seed form. The organic seeds came from the earth naturally. The GMO seeds are manually altered so that they contain genes that help them to withstand the harsh environments that they are grown in. Our earth is changing and this is the “scientific” way to handle the

The organic way to handle this issue is Back to Eden farming. This means to grow above ground and use tree chips insulation for the moisture and insulation away from the harsh sun. This way also allows us to grow without tilling up the dirt. The tilling of dirt is important because every time we till more dirt we bring more carbon from the ground to the atmosphere producing more carbon dioxide.

Due to the fact that the organic foods come from the earth naturally, are grown in the earth the way the plants were intended to be grown and are cared for properly these foods contain a frequency very close to that of our earth. If we take in more organic foods than anything else naturally we are going to be healthy. It is all about absorbing the frequency of the earth. organic-2

The reason we are just now coming into problems with health after having almost 70 years of the chemicals and pesticides is related to our footwear. most who grew up before the 90’s were always in their bare feet. This allowed them to naturally absorb the frequency of the earth through their feet. This over abundance of the earth’s frequency blocked out the low quality frequency of food additives, keeping them healthier until they began to go away from walking on the earth.

If you would like more information on which foods to specifically watch out for check out What to know when you can’t buy organic!

Thank you for reading! Have a great Day!

Take care!God Bless!



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