accomplish, achieve, appreciate, believe, benefit, benefits, communication, education, energy

Past experiences, future experiences and the now

Good afternoon! I hope you are well!

Ron Smotherman stated in his book winning through enlightenment that “we often do not live now. Often we live then in place of now.” Have you ever noticed that when you’re telling a story to someone about a memory, about a past experience, the opportunity may arise where you can change the memory Or when you second-guess what actually happened. This is not unusual because a memory is simply us remembering the last time we told the story of that experience to ourselves or to someone else, essentially the last time we remembered that event and the way it was remembered.
An experience taking place in reality or in the mind generates the same response within the body, mind and brain. This has been shown through the use of MRI scans in multiple studies. For instance, have you ever noticed when you’re dreaming it feels like it is reality, until you wake up and realize that the dream wasn’t real?

A portion of our memories never actually exist, they are simply patches to make the story flow more smoothly so that it is easier to interpret by the mind. These portions of our memories are dreams, these dreams can occur while sleeping or while waking and could be from a completely different story line. These dreams come from times in our life when we are looking at a situation and deciding the possible outcomes, this causes an overlap of details in certain places.
There is always the possibility that pieces of the memory or the entirety may not exist in this reality at all. The universe is abundant and holds all realities, this is why we can imagine ourselves doing other things in this moment that do not exist in our present and current reality. These things that we imagine ourselves doing exist in another reality happening in this same moment simultaneously. Imagine that you are driving on a highway across the ocean, when you look out your window you see other highways as far as the eye can see. On each of these highways you are driving a different car traveling at the same velocity in an undefined direction, each of these highways is an alternate reality that is existing simultaneously within the one you reside in but leading to a different end result. At any time you can change the end result by changing what goes into your mind and making the decision to sacrifice who you are now for who you will be. Once you realize that you can be anything, do anything, and have anything the world will open up to you. The end result of the highway you’re on is based on the goals you set for yourself in the path you choose to take.

The law of attraction states “what we visualize materializes.” The future we visualize for ourselves, is what materializes, so would we not hold the power of foresight. When we dream about the future, and experience the future now of being something greater, the possibility that this beingness will manifest increases each time we go back. Each time we visualize our self being something we increase the possibility of alignment of our reality and that specific alternate reality. We can see alternate realities by letting our mind wander.This is the moment when we say “I can do that.” And this is true you could do that, no matter what that is.

To do that thing you want to do you need only work as if your goal or dream is already ensured to be a success. work so hard to gain knowledge toward this dream that you can’t lose. in terms of education, you need only follow the trail of breadcrumbs; the footsteps of those who came before you; the roadmap to success. Each time you have the same vision and say “I can do that”, those vibrations coming from the vibrations of your throat (chakra number 6) gain more and more velocity or weight in the universe. If you work, believe, affirm success and help others, when there is enough velocity or weight in the universe the imagined reality will “drop”. The next morning when you wake up after the “drop” you will be in the alternate reality which you manifested for yourself.


Thank you for reading! Have a great day!

Take care!God Bless!


appreciate, appreciation, buddha, happines, peace, tranquility

4 steps to Appreciating Life More


1) Notice

Based on past experiences, your reality exists in the beliefs, propositions, & conditions you have about your relationship to everything else in the world/ universe, which is cultivated on a daily basis. You have the individual choice to create and keep personalized belief systems, conditions, & habits which builds your lifestyle(you have the power, no one else). Then become aware of the beliefs, conditions and habits which are cultivated on a daily basis by your actions and words to create your current lifestyle/life which allows you to accept responsibility for your life.

2) Accept

Accept the responsibility for this reality of the present now as it is because it has already been manifested /perceived by you, the participator of this universe, therefore this moment cannot be changed with effort. You must take responsibility for this moment because you created it. You can only change the nows to come (what we call the future) by having action in this present now, because it is the only time that exists, ever. Each situation has happiness bringing or sadness bringing details, it is up to you, the viewer of the situation, to look at & decide which scope or lens you want your life/the event to be viewed through (positive or negative outlook). Accept that the habits utilized in this area which ever area it may be are solely up to each person, which means you. Accept that a slight positive tweak in habits will not decrease the quality of life but enhance it through the perpetuation of daily life choices and compounded gain. Once this realization occurs the cultivation of enthusiasm for your life will be effortless.

3) Enthusiasm

Have enthusiasm for every single peace of the experience of this now which your attention is currently fixated upon because everything around you is a part of you. When you have enthusiasm for the peaces of the whole you have enthusiasm for yourself because the reality that we see is manifested by us the viewer who comes from the space between things, where all things come from (everything is made of atoms which are 90% space). You and all other things come from the one divine source of energy (the space). It is the enthusiasm for the learning about/ making a better life, and the possibility/ability to change which I am speaking of. Enthusiasm for learning a little bit each day about each small peace of life is the way to a life of true appreciation and enjoyment. Your enthusiasm for each peace of the whole, will decide how whole your life is and thus how long you live.

4) Appreciation/enjoyment
Have appreciation for each and every single peace -( I spelled it this way because each thing we observe is in its own state of peace if we let it be as it is, in its most advantageous way) -of the now as a whole, separately, and the relative relationship each peace has to the others corresponding with it. this Allows true inner happiness to occur because every day is truly a masterpiece of mindfulness for each situation creating a great work of art on a daily basis. Each moment has a greater purpose and at this point that purpose is seen, recognized and used to enhance our lives and the lives around us.
5) Completion
This process is decided from present now to immediate future now #1 all day long, everyday for eternity (length of time .0000000000000…1 seconds after present now) and every subsequent now after that.
