achieve, believe, fitness, gain, goals, growth, health, motivation, personal, triumph, weight management, weightloss, win

5 steps to Accomplishing your Dreams and Any Goal along the way

Hello! I hope you are doing well today!!

It was Zig Ziglar who stated “a goal properly set is half reached.’ Establishing the purpose you will seek to fulfill, will allow you to decide the road you will take at this fork. Ultimately your future is whatever you make it.

1) Set a long term goal of 6-12 months. My goal and driving force for the last few months has been to “learn and grow as much as I possibly can. When the time is right and I must complete my purpose, I will be ready to take on my task which god has given to me.” Pick a topic and start learning. After 6 months you will have improved greatly and after a year of constant education you will be an expert.

3) Set a Date to complete your long term goal by. This will get you motivated to start immediately because when there is a deadline every second counts.

2) Set short term goals. Short term goals are between 1 hour and 1 week. Medium goals are from 1 week to 5 months But those are of less importance right now.  After you have established your long term goal and the actions you will need to complete your goal. Break these actions down into bite size pieces. You can chew part of the task each day as you progress throughout your normal schedule. Many of these pieces consist of daily and even hourly goals depending on how many tasks you are stacking together.

3)Quantify the goal you want to reach, divide that quantity by the number of days between now and the day you have set to complete your goal in. This gives you the baseline amount you must complete to accomplish your goal on time.

4)look at what others have done before you. Sometime in history there was a person who was in your same shoes. Look them up, see how they accomplished their tasks, how they handled issues, who they learned from, what they learned and how they packaged their product.

5) Head into action!!

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this post.

Take care!!

God Bless!!



4 Reasons Why You Can Do It, no matter what it is you want to do

Good afternoon! I hope you are Well!!

Reason #1:Each and every single human being is meant for greater purpose.  One must realize that if there were no purpose, there would be no existence. Therefore every single person in existence today no matter their situation has a greater purpose to fulfill, whether they & others can see it or not.

Reason #2: The power within our being is unlimited. We hold inside of us the power to wield the energy of creation. We can do anything we set our mind to, remember ” where our attention goes, our energy flows.”The true purpose of our existence here on earth is to help others, Specifically to help build consciousness. When we have the right intention we can show that the The power within is unlimited because we can work without fail until our goal is complete. The power of good intention gives you unlimited energy when you align with the greater goal of helping others.

Reason #3: We are children of god who were all created in his own image. We hold all power we need inside of us, if we only have faith in the divine. With this we manifest reality on a daily basis, whether we are aware of this or not. Once we realize the true underlying reality is based on vibrational energy. We may then tap into this energy to manifest that which we see in our minds eye.

Reason #4: No matter who you are, what you are, or where you are special. There is  some way for you to be happy and to help others in the process. Zig Ziglar said it best when he stated “If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.” Zig Ziglar had another influential quote I would like to leave you with, “you can change what you are and where you are, by changing what goes into your mind.” So follow your dreams and never give up.

Equipment by Edgar A. Guest
“figure it out for yourself, my lad. You’ve got all that the greatest of men have had, two arms, two hands, two legs, two eyes, and a brain to use if you would be wise. With this equipment they all began, so start for the top and say, “I can.”
Look them over, the wise and the great, they take their food from a common plate, and similar knives and forks they use, with similar laces they tie their shoes. The world consider them brave and smart, but you’ve got all they had when they made their start.
You can try often come to skill, you can be great if you only will. You are well equipped for the fight you choose, you have arms and legs and the brain to use. And the man who has risen great deeds to do, began his life with no more than you.
You are the handicap you must face, you are the one who must choose your place, you must say where you want to go, how much you will study the truth to know. God has equipped you for life, but he let you decide what you want to be.
Courage must come from the soul within, the man must furnish the will to win. To figure it out for yourself, my lad, you were born with all the great have had, with your equipment the all began. Get hold of yourself and say:” I can.”

What are you gonna do?

What dream are you going to make a reality!

Take Care!

God Bless!

