coworker, first follower, friend, healing, health, turmeric, wellness

Healing powers of Turmeric: how I helped a coworker heal

Good afternoon! I hope you are well!

The most amazing thing happened to me this last week! There was a friend of mine at work that had this humongous inflammation on his arm.

jays arm

Jay (my coworker at Warehouse Tire Inc.) went to the doctor, the doctor was supposed to call a prescription antibiotic in for him. however the doctor forgot to call in the prescription. Jay told me “Dirk, i don’t know what to do”, my response was “I can help you”.  I try to help anyone that works at Warehouse Tire Inc. with their health issues because I have been interested in health for my whole life and this is a great way to put my knowledge to use. I knew that turmeric is a powerful natural inflammatory so I thought we should give it a try.

I had Jay spit on his arm, then I broke open an Organic India turmeric capsule and poured it over the effected are which his saliva was on. This formed a paste. Jay has continued to make the turmeric paste and wrap his arm with a medical wrap every night before bed. This event took place 7 days ago. After four days his arm looked like this:

jays arm 2

turmeric bottle

As you can see the healing powers of turmeric are amazing. Turmeric can cure, help with, or prevent many illnesses which can be found in my blog Turmeric for health.

Special shout out to my very first follower sunnysleevz! 

Thank you very much for being my first follower! it is so exciting to have someone that likes my posts!! I linked The webpage so everyone could check out Sunnysleevz’s webpage easier.

Thank you for reading! And have a great day!

Take care! God Bless!



One thought on “Healing powers of Turmeric: how I helped a coworker heal

  1. Pingback: Turmeric for Health | mindfulmessenger

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